You may feel emotionally disconnected or experience recurring conflicts and communication breakdowns in relationships. You know something’s wrong but don’t know what it is.
That’s what’s so important about emotionally availability. It’s how satisfying connections take place.
My forthcoming book, Real Men Are Vulnerable: How Emotional Availability Makes Men More Attractive & Effective describes what emotional connection is and how to get it. The book is both a how-to model and a reflection of my own self-discovery.
Our misinformed masculine culture teaches men to be guarded, in control and do what we do without asking for help so we don’t look weak. Unfortunately, this is a damaging message for men, for their effectiveness, and for those closest to them. Neuroscience now proves it, and my own experience verifies it. The human brain operates at its best when it emotionally connects with another brain—feels seen, known, and enjoyed by another person.
My free guide CLICK HERE shows the steps do this. It explains the five essential stages to becoming emotionally available. It’s the pathway to becoming more attractive (enjoyable to be with) and more effective in our relationships.
CLICK HERE to receive the free guide. When you download this guide, you’ll also begin receiving email notifications about blog posts and newly published excerpts from my book.
I’m excited about what you will experience!