Author: Doug Kellenberger

  • Covid Killed Me!

    Covid Killed Me!

    ​My struggle with Covid flattened and rendered me desperately helpless! Twice, I came close to calling 911 but couldn’t because my wife would have been left alone and without the care she needed. She had Covid, too. Calling the kids would have been out of the question because that would have exposed them.

  • What Gets in The Way

    What Gets in The Way

    I recently became aware of how my own unrealized effort to control and protect myself was blocking the reception of love that my little wounded heart was desperately crying out for. I’m writing about it in the chapter: “What Gets in The Way: Finding the Link Between Childhood Wounds & Unwanted Adult Behavior”.

  • An Excerpt From My Life

    An Excerpt From My Life

    The concept I’m writing about in this book is something I’ve found necessary for the development I’ve always wanted in my life but couldn’t obtain by me trying hard alone to get it—that healing, maturing, and being effective can only happen through emotional and relational connections with other people. This first article is an excerpt…